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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

How to run…without being dangerous?

Run is one of the most popular forms of exercise because it’s easy to do. Just put on your favorite pair of running shoes and you can go out and do this activity. However, running can make you tired very easily and there’s a chance of injury

Dance and music, the colors of the modern generation

Dance and music, the colors of the modern generation In the past, we have had to deal with a lot of depressing news or events that have caused us emotional distress. Although we cannot change what has happened, we can take care of our mental

How is plant protein good for runners?

Protein is an important factor that will help runners run longer and more resiliently because protein and important amino acids help repair damaged muscles and tissues and help strengthen muscles and make them more resilient to running. Even though protein sources can be easily found

Loss of appetite, a risk factor for elderly

Anorexia of Aging can reflect the health of the elderly. If the elderly eat less, the body will not receive enough energy and nutrients, lose weight, increase the risk of infection, slow recovery, and develop sarcopenia, which may cause the elderly to have problems with movement,

How is getting enough sleep better than not getting enough sleep?

Physically speaking, sleep is a complex process that involves the body adjusting itself to normal. People believe that sleep is important for the body’s processes, including the conversion of short-term memories into long-term memories (Memory Consolidation). Scientists do not have an explanation for why humans

How to save fuel by taking care of your car.

We live in an era where the price of fuel is quite volatile. In every trip, especially long distances, we always consider the cost of fuel first. Today we have tips. Just by changing your driving behavior a little, you can save fuel. Maintain your

The negative effects of sleep too much.

Hypersomnia is a disease in which you sleep more than you should, feel lethargic, and never get enough sleep no matter how much you sleep. You feel sleepy all the time, and you take naps many times during the day. You can even fall asleep

Reduce your risk behavior that lead to NCDs.

NCDs or non-communicable diseases are a group of chronic non-communicable diseases. They are not cause by germs and cannot be spread from person to person. However, they are diseases cause by habits or lifestyle behaviors. The disease progresses slowly, gradually accumulating symptoms. When symptoms of the disease appear,